We are happy to announce that as we head into the 2023 season of DriftLeague GB we will have 2 of drifting’s most consistent judges ,having been part of the Drift League team since 2018.
These 2 judges will be present at each event, on top of this we will be welcoming a guest judge, all with many years and a wealth of competition experience this should ensure fair and consistent evaluations of each driver’s performance.
We are committed to providing an amazing experience for all the participants, and we believe that this step will help us achieve that goal. We are looking forward to seeing all the talented drivers in action, and we can’t wait to see who will come out on top.
So let me introduce our resident judges David Lannaghan, James Grimsby and our guest judge for round 1, Wayne Keeber.
For those that don’t know Wayne he has competed at the highest level of drifting in the uk and Europe over the course of 10 years ,now he’s going to sit on the other side of the judges table. (Sorry I havnt got a picture of him just his car )